My mum decided that we needed to have a working bee and clean up the garden around the pond. By the end of the day I had the start of a herb garden planted onto paper and then potting mix. Below are a run of photos that show how that garden developed.
This photo shows what it looked liked before I turned it into a garden. Old dried grass and dirt. This is not were the garden is placed as I forgot to take a pre-photo.
The next two photos show what the garden looked like just after planting. I planted, lemon grass, Vietnamese mint, chives, coriander, oregano, crawling thyme and baby tears.
So what went well in the new garden. The baby tears really took off and are still slowly spreading themselves out into the garden. The Vietnamese mint is still going strong and I use it sometimes in my cooking. The coriander didn't do very well and this year I have it growing in a pot to much more success. The lemon-grass did really well and I loved cooking with it, but mum and I tried to divide it at the end of summer and killed it. But I'll try again when I find more lemon-grass. The chives didn't do very well and I expect they didn't get enough water. The oregano and thyme went well and are still growing, but I must admit I have added in an ordinary thyme as well now. Next I want lemon thyme. I really like the herbs as I can cook with them as well.
Below is a photo of the garden after summer.
The following photo is after I added in some new plants, such as sage and I can't remember what else at the moment.
Because I have been watering this garden and the weeper hose runs behind the pond and near the ferns; the ferns have really taken off which hopefully you can see in the following photo of the garden which I took today.
The next project was to dig up the lawn on the other side of the path to the pond, which I'll show next time.
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Jess that's gorgeous! Such a wonderful amount of growth. I love my herbs too. :-)
Not sure my last comment worked...
That's a fabulous amount of growth Jess. Just beautiful!! It's a lovely corner of your garden!
Hi Sally. I admire your talent with the garden. Oh I only wish! Your pond looks like it is going to be a little oasis there, how lovely with the outdoor setting. Keep up the good work. I'll be back to visit your blog often to read up. You're accountable to the WWW now with it!!!!
I took so long to learn not to buy plants in the middle of the week - Well done. Love the garden as I am sure so do the dogs - Sam
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